About us

Christine Hugo was born 7th July 1961 in Douglas (Northern Cape). She now lives in Stellenbosch. Art is her hobby, and she is very fond of nature, from which she gets her inspiration to paint. Her preference is to use bright, fresh colours in her works. Christine is inspired by colour and the refraction of light. Her preferred media is oil. Her work consists primarily of the atmosphere. She believes in PAINTING – Despite its long history, it is a challenging contemporary and acutely relevant medium. Her inspiration is prompted by environmental issues. People need colour in their lives, especially as sometimes everything around us appears to be so dull. She is motivated by the enjoyment and excitement of allowing images to appear, manipulating the material, pushing and pulling pigment across the surface of the canvas, part of herself is part of herself in another. It is just these mundane observations that she derives the seed of an art work from. The many layers that art is read on, can be assisted by simplicity. So, this is her present, pursuit, movement, potential, attitudes, just enough to reveal a moment. Like dreams, the interpretation is paramount and different for each viewer. Creativity is contagious, pass it on. She attributes her inspiration to the love and support she receives from her loved ones and dearest friends. Meaning of Purple Heart Art: It is used to symbolize the emotion of love. A purple heart symbolizes a sensitive, understanding and compassionate love. Duty. Honour, royalty and good judgement. A purple heart is awarded to United States military veterans when injured while serving their country. A symbol of honour for sacrifice.

Contact us

Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa